Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Pengantar Teknologi Web 8

Web 2.0

WEB 1.0
• Web 1.0 secara umum dikembangkan untuk pengaksesan informasi dan memiliki sifat yang sedikit interaktif
• Sifat web 1.0 adalah read
Web 1.0 design elements
• Static pages instead of dynamic user-generated content.
• The use of framesets.
• Proprietary HTML extensions such as the and tags introduced during the first browser war.
• Online guestbooks.
• GIF buttons, typically 88x31 pixels in size promoting web browsers and other products.
• HTML forms sent via email. A user would fill in a form, and upon clicking submit their email client would
attempt to send an email containing the form's details.
WEB 2.0
• Menurut Tim O’Reilly, Web 2.0 dapat didefinisikan sebagai berikut:
“Web 2.0 adalah revolusi bisnis di industri komputer yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan internet sebagai
platform, dan merupakan suatu percobaan untuk memahami berbagai aturan untuk mencapai keberhasilan pada
platform baru tersebut. Salah satu aturan terutama adalah: Membangun aplikasi yang mengeksploitasi efek
jaringan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi pengguna aplikasi tersebut”
Sifat dari web 2.0 adalah read write
Perbedaan 1.0 ke 2.0
• move from personal websites to blogs and blog site aggregation,
• from publishing to participation,
• from web content as the outcome of large up-front investment to an ongoing and interactive process,
• and from content management systems to links based on tagging (folksonomy)
1.0 – 2.0

Web 2.0 Map

Karakter WEB 2.0
• Web sebagai platform
• Data sebagai pengendali utama
• Efek jaringan diciptakan oleh arsitektur partisipasi
• Inovasi dalam perakitan sistem serta situs disusun dengan menyatukan fitur dari pengembang yang terdistribusi
dan independen (semacam model pengembangan "open source")
• Model bisnis yang ringan, yang dikembangkan dengan gabungan isi dan layanan
• Mudah untuk digunakan dan diadopsi oleh user
• Teknologi yang dipakai adalah AJAX


Teknik yang digunakan
• Cascade style to untuk bahan isi dan presentasi
• Falksonomi (metoda penandaan content dimana dengan konsep ini dimunculkan kata-kata yang berkaitan
dengan content tersebut).
• Menggunakan XML
• Teknik Aplikasi Internet
• HTML dan XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language).
• Weblog-publishing tools
• Wiki atau forum software

Web 2.0 examples
• RSS delivery of content
• Blogs – Web logs + comments
• Wikis – content created in community
• Instant Messaging, SMS,
• Voice over IP – Skype
• Podcasting
Web 2.0 supporting technologies
• Web services
• AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
• Microformats
• OpenSearch vs SRU/SRW

Web 2.0 media
• Rich media – beyond text
• Music and audio
– Well experienced: File swapping, p2p, iPod, MP3
• Video
– Recreational and academic: youtube.com, myspace.com/video, yahoo! Video, bittorrent
• Opportunities to remix. Usually recreational, but explore ways to tap this interest with an academic slant.
Library 2.0
• First mentioned by Michael Casey
• Web 2.0 + Library = Library 2.0
• New book lists through RSS
• Wikis
– Intranets for staff documentation
– Collaborative resources for library users
• Enriched library catalogs
• User participation in library resources
– User tagging in catalog
– Reviews
– Ratings

Sites as Application: Email Application

Microsoft Office Web Client

Participation: Books

Folksonomy / Tagging

• Folksonomi merupakan hasil pengategorian oleh pengguna.
• Secara demokratis pengguna menerapkan tag sesuai dengan kecocokan mereka terhadap isi materi.
• Folksonomi mengatasi kerumitan konsep kategori yang terstruktur formal dan bertingkat yang disebut taksonomi.
• Kelemahan folksonomi misalnya tidak luput dari derau (noise), bisa terjadi ada banyak tag/label
yang kosakatanya salah, tidak semua user tag/label tersebut cocok


Fitur Web 2.0

• Search
– The ease of finding information through keyword search.
• Links
– Ad-hoc guides to other relevant information.
• Authoring
– The ability to create constantly updating content over a platform that is shifted from being the creation of a
few to being constantly updated, interlinked work. In wikis, the content is iterative in the sense that users
undo and redo each other's work. In blogs, content is cumulative in that posts and comments of individuals are
accumulated over time.
• Tags
– Categorization of content by creating tags: simple, one-word user-determined descriptions to facilitate
searching and avoid rigid, pre-made categories.
• Extensions
– Powerful algorithms that leverage the Web as an application platform as well as a document server.
• Signals
– The use of RSS technology to rapidly notify users of content changes.








WEB 3.0
• Konsep ini dapat diandaikan sebuah website sebagai sebuah intelektualitas buatan (Artificial Intelegence)
• Aplikasi – aplikasi online dalam website dapat saling berinteraksi
• Kemampuan interaksi ini dimulai dengan adanya web service

Facebook Example

Google Calendar Example

Benefits of Library 2.0
Delivery Mechanisms (“network as platform”):
– Global outreach: maximise impact of and engagement with ideas
– Outsourced services: allowing organisations to focus on their strengths and small institutions to engage on
more equal terms
– Exploits infrastructure: the standards (e,g. RSS) & services (Google, Amazon, ..) now in place
User Benefits:
– User can create content
– Can comment on other’s content
– Users no longer passive consumers of content
Web Mashup
• A web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool. Its a web
page that provides a new service using its own data and data from other sources. It must access third
party data and process that data to add value. [Wikipedia]
• A web application that takes information from one or more sources and presents it in a new way or with a
unique layout. It is a web site that combines content data from more tha one source to create a new user
experience. [About.com]
• A new service, that combines functionality or content from existing sources.
These existing sources can be Web Services, RSS feeds or just other Websites. [Blog the Web]
• Content from a variety of sources mashed together to produce a brand new dataset
• What you are o?ering is a new service that produces richer datasets
• Concerns about privacy, the protection of intellectual property, and the ethics of sharing and borrowing
informaDon from online sourcesWeb Mashup architectures
• A web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool. Its a web
page that provides a new service using its own data and data from other sources. It must access third party
data and process that data to add value. [Wikipedia]
• A web application that takes information from one or more sources and presents it in a new way or with a
unique layout. It is a web site that combines content data from more tha one source to create a new user
experience. [About.com]
• A new service, that combines functionality or content from existing sources.
These existing sources can be Web Services, RSS feeds or just other Websites. [Blog the Web]
Portal vs Mashup


Web mashup application
• Web Mashup = API [1] + API [2] + … API [N]
• Creative social coding and programming
• Sharing, reusing, remixing and recycling electronic materials
• End user customization and tailoring
• O?er new ways to explore design spaces and to rapidly create innovative prototypes

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